Water divine beast Va Lutta【Main Challenge7】


Zora no Sato

It happens when you see an event at the throne of Zora no Sato.

During the event “Armor of Zora” is obtained. You can speed up swimming and swim up the waterfall when you are wearing this.

It goes to the place where Mizuri and Sid are talking and an event. Is the event progressing when you are wearing solar armor?

I climb the waterfall from the waterfall of Mikau Lake and go to Mt. Raiku.

In Raikuyama mountain, I will collect electric arrows sticking to the trunk of the tree while dodging the attack of the liner.

Although it is a strong enemy, it is also possible to beat down. If you are confident in your arm and preparation, try to defeat and obtain powerful equipment.

When about 20 people gathered, get off at the cliffs of the summit to the reservoir lake in the east and go to paradise to the former Sido.

Here is the strategy inside the Van Lutta of the God of water(ダンジョン攻略)

Zora no Sato

Returning to the village, go to the king and event.

After the event, when you open the treasure box you will get a spear of light scales.


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