Boss Battle: Water Curse Gunnon【The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild】

Boss Battle: Water Curse Gunnon
First game
- Spears have long ranges, but often they do not hit when they enter the pocket, but as they come close to shockwave attacks, they will run away after about 3 times
- Throwing is not going to run if you run sideways
- Although you can avoid sideways stairs with a spear by jumping, you should take a distance if you take safety
- The pattern that moves as a sphere takes a distance
- When it deals damage it becomes the second form
Battle in the middle
- To the battle where the foothold is restricted
- I will release ice bullets, stop it with Vitarock and play with close proximity
- It is also OK to destroy with Ice Wall and attack with a bow
- If you hit an ice bullet or an arrow it will go down and attack that ski
- It is good to make ice pillars in advance and approach it and attack it
Second half war
- The number of ice bullets also increases, making it difficult to intercept.
- Reducing HP until near the last blow will shoot a lock on laser
- It can be prevented with ice pillars
- A heart blows when it is 3
- When you knock down you will get a heart vessel